To you, and the skies be bright as yours.

I’ll write this as though you’re reading it.

I bought flowers for you a few days back, I wonder if they reached you at all. This may be the part where you answer. I didn’t dare to write my name on it, I thought I still had time.

I thought I would let you figure it out through the books I’ve just finished. Those were written in the hope it could be of some help to you, if any.

I love you, ever since those lovely strings of your violin played my favourite nocturne. Your smile lit up my world, which has been dark for so many times now. I love you, I always thought of a way to kill the distance between us.

I met you at a very strange time in my life, but I’m most grateful we met at all. Between the darkest nights and the painful ones, you’re my light of hope. I may have died if we never at all. I think that’s why God made us meet.

I hope they reached you. It should come with a letter: ” To dear your name, I hope the skies are bright, wherever you are. Your smile alight my world.” There isn’t my name on it, but enclosed in it will be my heart.

The day I could hold your hand and know that you’re mine will forever be the happiest day of my life. Maybe in another multiverse, we’ll live to see that day. Until then, I’m going to carry on.

Thanks for everything. I love you, my dear favourite violinist.

Yours truly,


Intellectualism for the common good.

Photo by Dan Dimmock on

The part I really like about writing papers, or research in general, is probably the background. In this section, it is asked again, “Why is this research so important?” Indeed, the answer is definitely ‘for the sake of knowledge’, but sometimes justification is needed for the sake of developing the knowledge itself. Why weren’t we focused on developing this particular part of science rather than the other? If the same question were directed to art the answer would be clear: “My heart and soul require the appreciation of the beautiful and the abstract.” This is obvious to me.

Here we most clearly return to the realization of the often-romanticized science. My heart is still drawn to matters of mathematical-physical analysis and its abstraction. Still, there is another joy in seeing the X in this equation as the unrealized geothermal potentials in my country or the Y as where are the new reserves to save this country from an energy crisis. It is clear that a researcher, the spearhead of scientific development, must not be isolated and indifferent to the problems around them. The knowledge they produce is what should control policy-making that concerns the lives of many. Or shall we call it, “Intellectualism for the common good.”


Photo by Gabriel







My wish was but a simple one.

A life full of love,

and be loved by the ones I love.

A life filled with hope too.

Without knowing loneliness.

Even for a monster like me.

For the passing sceneries.

The town faded as the distance grew larger.

Around me, the smokes quit moving too.

Bandung was fading as my heart sank deeper.

Seasons incessantly pass one after another.

I shall do the same.

Matter not how much I long

to go back into the night filled with your stories.

So, I hope the next time I meet you,

I’ve found inside myself a better man.

This article was an expressed view of the author at the time of writing and may no longer reflect the author’s view in the near future after this was published. Actual individuals, names and characteristics implied are hidden to respect their privacy.

Hello There!

If you happen to stumble into this blog, thanks! Also, welcome now! 😁

Why I Created This Blog?

I created this blog as a medium for me to write, publish, and share my ideas, thoughts, and experiences with others—that includes you! See the ‘About’ page!👌

A little bit of a backstory, I watched a video from a well-known-your-productivity-guru UK YouTuber (also a medical doctor), Ali Abdaal—to which I say he’s one of my most favourite YouTuber of all time.

A little note: despite the title of the video, I’m not writing so that I’ll be a successful writer someday—though I wouldn’t mind to be one actually. 🤔

There are some quotes in that video that strikes me. It was this…

…the more of this stuff we do—take more things, do more things, meet more people, etc—the more surface area we have for serendipity, the more we allow luck to appear and then we can take advantage of it.

Ali, on talking about luck regarding to do more things.

It was really inspiring to me. Not only that, I like to write ever since I was a toddler. In grade 3, I persuaded my mum to buy me a diary in which excitedly wrote many things on it. I enjoyed writing about my experiences and things that interested me—games, books, ideas in sciences and maths—so much that I always waited for my teachers to give me assignment for it. They usually did it almost every time after a semester break is over.

So, I decided to create this blog to write about those things, to accommodate the surge of ideas in my head, and more so to write about my experiences. To me writing something only for it to just end up in the back of a notebook or a diary would be such a meaningless experience. There’s too much enjoyment and satisfaction I got from having the chance for your work to be seen—and potentially appreciated—to be missed for it to remain unpublished! 😊

I once created a blog before this, though. It was a blog about game reviews and game articles that I really liked to write back then in middle school. I decided to delete it because I was unsatisfied with how the blog code worked poorly and my AdSense application kept getting rejected—I was really motivated to make it generate money back then, being a poor middle school student looking for a way to buy a new PC game. Kind of regretted it considering I’ve written about 20 posts on it and the blog had gained about 30.000 all-time views.

Last but not least, I also hope to inspire others. Like countless people had inspired me through their writings, I also want to do the same to you, kind readers! In that manner, I hope to also improve my writing ability as I’m going.

To young readers whose looking to enter the next stages of life, I would like to share my stories and experiences on that journey. I hope you’ll get some insight, and If possible, motivations to start your own too! To older and wiser readers, kindly treat this blog as my documentation of my journey in life.

Thanks! 🙂